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Continents-Zones géogr. > Afrique > Congo-Kinshasa (RDC)

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

139 films
Nuit debout
Bob Nelson Makengo | Belgique | 2019 | 21 mn

Three separate screens make us discover the resilience of a population that reinvents light, in front of an invisible government.

Kinshasa Makambo
Dieudo Hamadi | France, Allemagne, Congo Kinshasa (RDC), Norvège, Suisse | 2018 | 70 mn

Kinshasa Makambo raconte le difficile combat de trois jeunes congolais pour l'avènement de la démocratie en République Démocratique du Congo.

Moimi Wezam Mushamalirwa | Congo Kinshasa (RDC) | 2018 | 69 mn

Papa Wemba, icône de la musique en Afrique, est mort. Une de ses danseuses, Bénédicte Shutsha, qui a travaillé pour lui 14 ans durant, est envahie par la peur du lendemain. Pour diversifier ses sources de revenus et à la fois pour lui...

Le Peuple gagne toujours
Kadima Ngulungu | France | 2018 | 17 mn

Le 25 février 2018 à Kinshasa, un activiste meurt lors d'une manifestation contre le pouvoir. La vidéo de sa mort est trop choquante. A Paris, Babin Masombo et Nolda tentent d'organiser une autre marche le 30 juin, jour de l'indépendance du...

Congo Lucha
Marlène Rabaud | Belgique | 2018 | 84 mn

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, a group of Congolese youths has stood up without arms against their President who was determined to cling to power. As they fought, they have learned that success comes with a price. They are called La...

Mbudha, la source des chimpanzés
Caroline Thirion, Anne Laudisoit | France, Belgique | 2018 | 52 mn

In the northeast corner of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, there remains a “red zone”, designated as such since the second war of the Congo, (1998-2002), where no foreigners have entered since 1999. The biologist Anne Laudisoit and her...

Maman Colonelle
Dieudo Hamadi | France, Congo Kinshasa (RDC) | 2017 | 72 mn

Colonel Honorine, more commonly known as "Mama Colonel", works for the Congolese police force and heads the unit for the protection of minors and the fight against sexual violence. Having worked for 15 years in Bukavu, in the east of the...

Le Ministre des Poubelles
Quentin Noirfalisse | Belgique | 2017 | 75 mn

As his country heads towards high-risk elections, Emmanuel Botalatala, the Minister of Garbage of Kinshasa (DR Congo), enters the last portion of his life. Having sacrificed everything for his art, he stubbornly tries to carry on with his work and...

Relaine Aimée Nkounkou Banzouzi | Congo | 2017 | 8 mn

Pointe-Noire, ville économique du pays regorge dans son sein, un monde de la débrouillardise, Souley est un jeune vendeur de films téléchargés sur internet au grand-Marché de Pointe-Noire, c’est grâce à cela qu’il survit. Ce film, est...

Mémoire de Missionnaires
Delphine Wilputte | Belgique, France | 2017 | 56 mn

In the last century, men of the Church went to the Congo to preach the Good Word. In Mémoire de Missionnaires, the last witnesses of that time recount their memories. They are marked forever by their experiences, by the contradictions and by the...

139 films