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Catalogue des films par mot-clé

41 films
Sur les traces de Paul Du Chaillu
Luc-Henri Fage, Luc-Henri Fage, Louis Perrois, Jean-Marie Hombert | France | 2006 | 63 mn

Paul Belloni Du Chaillu (1831-1903) was the first explorer of the interior of Gabon (from 1855 to 1859). Self-taught, he was at the same time naturalist, ethnologist, linguist, geographer... He is credited with the unique description of many...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Singe qui a traversé la mer
Guillaume Vincent | France | 2004 | 52 mn

Des singes qui nagent, en apnée, pour aller jouer sous l’eau ! Des singes qui pêchent des crabes en bord de mer et les mangent après les avoir consciencieusement lavés dans l’eau douce ! Des singes qui ont réussi à rejoindre des îles au...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Leaderchimp
Vincent Maillard | France | 2002 | 69 mn

This is a film in two parts. First of all it is the story of two chimpanzees : Yelle and Ying. Two brothers who are the "Number 1" and "Number 2" of the colony in the zoo at Arnhem in Holland. This story stretches over a year. It relates the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Incroyable Aventure du gorille Mabéké
Jean-Yves Collet | France | 2001 | 43 mn

After spending most of its life in captivity at the International Centre of medical research of Franceville, in Gabon, the Mabéka gorilla of the plains, its female Kessala and their daughters Kim are released on the Island of Loango, in a...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Appel de la forêt
Isabelle Roumeguère | France | 1999 | 52 mn

This documentary is about the work of Joris Carter who fought for 20 years to protect chimpanzees in Guinea and Gambia. We follow her day after day and try to understand her strategy to preserve the species.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Bons Pères de l'Atlas
Jean-Yves Collet | France | 1999 | 52 mn

This film shows the privileged moments in the life of a very old macaque in the land of the Berbers in the Middle Atlas in Morocco, from the age of 6 months to adulthood. We follow the adventures of his life in the society of the Berber macaques,...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Leçon des grands singes
Thomas Johnson, Alexis Marant | France | 1998 | 55 mn

Since the early 1960s it has been women scientists who have been studying closely the life of big monkeys. The women known as "the Three Angels", Dian Fossey, Jane Goodall, Biruté Galdikas, have become the founders of modern primatology. Dian...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Quatre Singes dans un petit royaume
Jean-Yves Collet | France | 1998 | 52 mn

The forest of Montes Claros, in Brazil, is only eight square kilometers, however, it still houses four species of monkeys, and especially one of them which is very unusual to be seen : the muriquis. All the monkeys share the same territory,...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Chimpanzé, l'autre homme
Nathalie Borgers | France | 1998 | 40 mn

Laughter, moral and language, are they really exclusively human ? This film made out of astonishing archive-footage will attack all made-up ideas... Scientists work about chimpanzees shows that both their individual and social behaviour are...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Du rififi chez les chimpanzés
Nathalie Borgers, Pascal Picq | France | 1998 | 50 mn

This is an extraordinary investigation which reveals how close chimpanzees are to men, whether in matters of power, sexuality, friendship or jealousy. At the zoo in Arnhem, in Holland, where chimpanzees have been studied by the greatest...

41 films