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Continents-Zones géogr. > Moyen-Orient > Proche-Orient > Turquie

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

149 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Sur la route de la soie
Paxton Winters | États-Unis | 2001 | 54 mn

There are many Silk Roads in history - the Turkish team followed the northern route, which mostly passes along Turkish speaking countries. Setting out from Xian, historically the starting point for Silk Road journeys, they passed through the Gansu...

Nazim Hikmet
Lulu Menase | France | 2001 | 52 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Enfants du Sirat
Mustafa Balci | Belgique | 2000 | 40 mn

A childhood. It might have been like so many others... only it is not. A childhood with no past or future, being whittled away in the city streets of Istanbul. In the labyrinth of the former imperial capital, these street children, theses...

zeugma Les Derniers Jours de Zeugma
Thierry Ragobert | France | 2000 | 52 mn

The construction of a dam on the River Euphrates in Turkey will result in the destruction of one of the Roman Empire’s most important towns. In July 2000, the ancient city of Zeugma will be submerged under 40 metres of water. A...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Indésirables
Adela Peeva | Allemagne | 2000 | 52 mn

Dans la région du Rhodope, près de la frontière turque, les rapports entre Bulgares et Turcs ont toujours été tendus : les Bulgares reprochent aux Turcs les massacres et les conversions forcées à l'époque ottomane ; les Turcs se plaignent...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Chevaliers du vertige
Gian-Luigi Quarti | Suisse | 2000 | 47 mn

Comment, à la fin des années 50, deux équipes rivales se sont battues pour la conquête d’un surplomb sur la face ouest du massif de Lavaredo, dans les Dolomites.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Flics dans la ville
Denis Poncet, Thierry Lestrade, Gonzalo Arijòn, Jérôme Bastion, Jean-Yves Cauchard | France | 1999 | 52 mn

This film is a close quarters look at the daily work of policemen in four of the world's most dangerous metropolises : Johannesburg, Saint-Petersburg, Istanbul and Rio de Janeiro. As law enforcement officers, these men and women are confronted...

Patrice Chagnard | France | 1999 | 43 mn

"I discovered Istambul in the early 1970s, almost 30 years ago. At that time it was the first great stage on the road to India and a lot of us took that road, took to the road. Since then, Istambul has changed. Now the taxis are yellow like in...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Visite du maître de musique
Gulya Mirzoeva | France, Allemagne | 1999 | 52 mn

Old Hayri Dev, outstanding master of the oboe and the üçtelli (a small three-stringed lute) lives in Tasavlu (South-West Turkey). One evening, during a conversation, he decides he will set off the following day on a journey across the Çameli...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Yürü !
Françoise Bouard-Blanchard, Régis Blanchard | France | 1998 | 60 mn

Fatima, 25 years old, adapted herself to the culture of her welcome land, France. But will she be able to gratify her need of emancipation without injuring the reputation of her Turkish family and without being excluded from her Turkish community ?

149 films