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Continents-Zones géogr. > Europe > URSS

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

106 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Trois Chants sur Lénine
Dziga Vertov | Russie | 1934 | 60 mn

Ce film célèbre le dixième anniversaire de la mort de Lénine. Le film tourné à travers l’Union soviétique, jusqu’en Asie centrale, montre des témoignages sur la vie dans le pays et des documents d’archives.

Komsomol ou Le Chant des héros
Joris Ivens | Russie | 1932 | 50 mn

Documentary about the building of blast furnaces by the communist youth workers organisation Komsomol, constructed as part of the first five year plan of Stalin's Soviet Union. The film is set Magnitogorsk in the de Ural, where an industrial city...

symphonie-donbass Enthousiasme
Dziga Vertov | Russie | 1931 | 68 mn

“One of the most impressive symphonies of pictures and sounds”, so had Chaplin written to Vertov, to share his enthusiasm and surprise at hearing his use of sound, mixing daily life noises with the uproar of factories, recorded on-the-spot...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Kino-Pravda n°18
Dziga Vertov | Russie | 1924 | 14 mn

A sporadically published cinema magazine that took up the programmatic name of the Pravda (Truth), the daily paper founded by Lenin in 1912. Each issue isn’t made of news, but of two or three reports on various subjects. Here, the journey...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Tu donnes l'air
Dziga Vertov | Russie | 1923 | 29 mn

The three parts of this film are dedicated to ascents in the air: airships, aeroplanes of every type and shape. In the middle of this aerial festival, life in Moscow, and an avant-garde theatre play that takes up actions from the 1917 Revolution.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Kino-Pravda n°17
Dziga Vertov | Russie | 1923 | 16 mn

A film famous for a sequence showing women farmers binding sheaves together, in which some shots are less than a second-long. Once again, the editing (how to tie shots as well as pieces of reality together) knots speed and archaic gestures, the...

106 films