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Continents-Zones géogr. > Moyen-Orient > Proche-Orient > Syrie

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

123 films
Les Visages oubliés de Palmyre
Meyar Al Roumi | France | 2020 | 83 mn

Archaeologists go in search of funerary portraits of Palmyra disseminated around the world to recount the story of the ancient city in a way that has never been done before: through the faces of the city’s inhabitants. The exploration of the...

Gianfranco Rosi | Allemagne, France, Italie | 2020 | 100 mn

Les Chebabs, le Film et Moi
Axel Salvatori-Sinz | France | 2019 | 62 mn

Entre 2009 et 2011, Axel Salvatori-Sinz réalise en Syrie un documentaire sur une bande de potes « Les Chebabs de Yarmouk ». A la fin du film, la révolution éclate. Sans le savoir, il capture les derniers instants du camp. Pendant qu’il vit...

Harmony For After War
Pablo Tosco, Migue Roth | Argentine | 2019 | 26 mn

Music does not end with war, but it helps to exorcise it. Syrian Kurdistan was destroyed because of long years of war; over those ruins, however, musicians, poets, professors and dozens of children gather to play instruments that-at least for a...

Douma Underground
Tim Alsiofi | Liban | 2019 | 11 mn

Alors que les bombes artisanales pleuvaient sur la Ghouta, les civils trouvaient refuge dans le sous-sol de leurs maisons. J’étais parmi eux. Armé de ma caméra, j’ai tenté de filmer ce que je ne pouvais exprimer par les mots.

Je n'ai rien vu, j'ai tout vu
Yaser Kassab | Liban | 2019 | 19 mn

After talking about the end of the war in Syria and the start of the reconstruction phase, Yaser and his family find themselves compelled to deal with the transfer of graves from public parks in Aleppo.

La Bonne Distance avec le feu
Rafaon Pella | France | 2018 | 17 mn

Récit documentaire et expérimental de mon engagement dans la guérilla kurde en Syrie. 2018.

Still Recording
Saeed Albatal, Ghiath Ayoub | Liban, Allemagne, France | 2018 | 120 mn

450 heures de rushes étalées sur 5 années de tournage. Un regard inédit d’une densité exceptionnelle sur la guerre en Syrie, dans un mouvement de cinéma et d’humanité saisissant.

Daraya: A Library Under Bombs
Delphine Minoui, Bruno Joucla | France | 2018 | 64 mn

At the heart of the Syrian civil war, a group of activists created an underground library in the besieged outskirts of Damascus. After years of blockade, they were forced to leave their city. But they managed to save their videos illustrating a...

Privacy of Wounds
Dalia Kury | Norvège, France | 2018 | 70 mn

How do you tell completely authentic stories from Syria? Would former prisoners be able to reveal their deepest feelings to an interviewer? The Jordanian filmmaker Dalia Kury came up with a solution. For The Privacy of Wounds, she reconstructed a...

123 films