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Continents-Zones géogr. > Afrique > Tanzanie

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

33 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Exil de Candida
Camille Robert | France | 2011 | 58 mn

Zanzibar Musical Club
Philippe Gasnier, Patrice Nezan | France | 2010 | 85 mn

" Zanzibar Musical Club " is an invitation to explore a millenary Muslim culture where traditions are transmitted through music ; to go deep into a reality where music is the social link par excellence ; to discover a world fed with Arabic tones,...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Blanc et Noir
Jean-François Méan | Canada (Québec) | 2010 | 55 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Tranzania. Living. Room.
Uli M. Schueppel | Allemagne | 2010 | 74 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Chasse aux sorcières en Tanzanie
Holger Riedel | France, Allemagne | 2007 | 43 mn

In Northern Tanzania, a man killed his mother because he though she was responsible for the sterility of his marriage. Bad harvests, family issues or professional failure: everything comes from witches. These malefic beings must be killed......

Zanzibar Soccer Queens
Florence Ayisi | Royaume-Uni | 2007 | 52 mn

La passion des femmes pour le football transcende littéralement le déterminisme des sexes. Ce film présente une équipe féminine de football au Zanzibar : des femmes déterminées à améliorer leurs conditions de vie et à définir de...

L'Or rose de Mafia
Gilles Ragris | France | 2006 | 28 mn

cauchemar de darwin Le Cauchemar de Darwin
Hubert Sauper | France, Autriche, Belgique | 2005 | 107 mn

Some time in the 1960's, in the heart of Africa, a new animal was introduced into Lake Victoria as a little scientific experiment. The Nile Perch, a voracious predator, extinguished almost the entire stock of the native fish species. However, the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Une course pour la vie
Jean-Luc Guidoin, Laurent Frapat | France | 2005 | 52 mn

This wildlife series offers to observe a fabulous and mysterious nature phenomenon: the great migration of gnus. The event gathers a thousand of participants for an 800 kilometres wild race between Kenya and Tanzania. The series follows the daily...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Épreuve de tous les dangers
Jean-Luc Guidoin, Laurent Frapat | France | 2005 | 52 mn

Every year, wildebeest, gazelles and zebra make through the savannah of Tanzania and Kenya, a challenging migration of more than 800 kilometres. For these animals, the objective is to survive until the end of the dry season by escaping from...

33 films