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Continents-Zones géogr. > Europe > Pays-Bas

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

118 films
Stand-by Office
Randa Maroufi | France | 2017 | 13 mn

Un groupe de personnes dans un environnement de bureau.Rien ne semble être déplacé. La caméra circule continuellement et change progressivement notre perception de cet espace.

The Brick House
Eliane Esther Bots | Pays-Bas | 2017 | 15 mn

Two friends, Sapa and Hija, re-enact and re-tell short anecdotes of their lives. Coming from another country to The Netherlands, there is a quest for belonging and the (im)possibility to completely feel at home and relate to the world outside the...

The Sadness Will Not Last Forever
Alexei Dmitriev | Russie, Pays-Bas | 2017 | 8 mn

The most beautiful paintings are those which you dream about when you lie in bed smoking a pipe, but which you never paint.

Independent Boy
Vincent Boy Kars | Pays-Bas | 2017 | 90 mn

A twentysomething doesn’t know what to do with his life. When can you consider your life a success?

Sur les traces de Robert van Gulik
Rob Rombout | Belgique, Pays-Bas | 2016 | 88 mn

Jérôme Bosch : le diable aux ailes d'ange
Eve Ramboz, Nathalie Plicot | France | 2016 | 52 mn

En 2016, toute l’Europe célèbre les 500 ans de la mort du peintre néerlandais le plus célèbre : Jérôme Bosch (1450-1516). Peintre, contemporain de Leonard de Vinci, il est à la croisée de l’héritage symbolique du Moyen Âge et de...

I'm Not a Problem Child, I Am a Challenge
Rolf Orthel | Pays-Bas | 2016 | 89 mn

The film shows young people who have been housed in a closed institution run by Youth Care for a longer period. They couldn’t manage at home or were under the influence of pimps or drugs. Some felt worthless and even wanted to end it all. We...

A Quiet Place
Sjoerd Oostrik | Pays-Bas | 2016 | 80 mn

In a juvenile prison three young delinquents are forced to reinvent themselves under the preventive custody of the state.

A Family Affair
Tom Fassaert | Pays-Bas, Belgique | 2015 | 116 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment One Life is Not Enough
Annette Apon | Pays-Bas | 2015 | 71 mn

118 films