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Continents-Zones géogr. > Europe > Russie > Moscou

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

38 films
Dégel à Moscou
Jean-Marie Perthuis | France | 1987 | 69 mn

English summary not available.

Le Dissident du KGB
Nicolas Jallot | France | 2009 | 73 mn

The history of the KGB includes many spies who went over to the West or became double agents, but Viktor Orekhov was the only office in charge of the political police who went from repression of dissidents to joining their cause. Before he was...

Les Enfants de la cité dortoir
Korinna Krauss, Janna Ji Wonders | Allemagne, Russie | 2005 | 35 mn

Ils sont trois jeunes punks de la banlieue de Moscou, liés par l’amitié, la vodka et le rock. Les remontrances des parents ne comptent guère quand la poésie et la musique sont la seule lumière d’une cité à l’abandon.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Exhale
Sacha Malinin | Russie | 2006 | 27 mn

By riffling walls, markedly dusted camera glass, corridor shadows and crumble unclear fraises - this film breaks through the feeling of reality as the most brave documentary shooting. Dreams on the edge with nightmares in the film by Malinin -...

The Jump
Taisyia Reshetnikova | Russie | 2007 | 9 mn

Kremlin, une histoire russe
Maxime Mardoukhaev | France | 2013 | 52 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Life In Loops
Michael Glawogger, Timo Novotny | 2006 | 80 mn

Maïa Plissetskaïa, Assoluta
Élisabeth Kapnist | France | 2002 | 58 mn

I or fifty years the name of Maïa Plissetskaïa, ballerina assoluta, was inseparable from the history of the Soviet ballet and one of its most prestigious theatres, the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. Maïa Plissetskaïa left her imprint on the art of...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Maison de la rue Arbat
Marina Goldovskaïa | France, États-Unis | 1993 | 59 mn

The characters in this film all lived once in the same building : The Knights' House, at 35, Arbat Street, Moscow. Built at the turn of the century for a few privileged families, this sumptuous residence was turned into a block of mutifamily...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Moscou
Nathalie Sazonova | France | 2000 | 52 mn

After ten years away, has Moscow changed. Its emblematic buildings still tower over the landscape, but the city offers a radically contrasting picture with poverty rubbing shoulders with provocative new money.

38 films