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Continents-Zones géogr. > Asie > Népal

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

75 films
La Longue Marche
Jean-Pierre Devorsine | France | 2003 | 52 mn

The film leads the viewer in the footsteps of a people, towards the discovery of a world in which non-violence has been raised to the rank of an institution. The Great Stupa of Bodhnath in Nepal is one of the major pilgrimage sites of the Buddhist...

vie-bouddha La Vie de Bouddha
Martin Meissonnier | France | 2003 | 90 mn

Du Népal au sud de l’Inde, un voyage unique sur les traces de Bouddha qui confronte les légendes transmises depuis des millénaires et les plus récentes découvertes archéologiques.

Chasseur de miel
Éric Valli | France | 2002 | 19 mn

Il s’appelle Mani Lal, comme ses ancêtres il est chasseur de miel au Népal. Ici, depuis toujours, les hommes partent deux fois par an dans la forêt à la recherche du miel. C’est le territoire sacré du dieu Folo, qu’il convient...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Trous bleus
Christian Barani | France | 2002 | 33 mn

Blending video pictures and pictures shot in super 8, heterogeneous textures and times, the basis of this film shot in Nepal is progress towards the remote lands of the country, from the first contacts on landing with the town of Katmandu to the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Meurtre au palais royal de Katmandou
Richard Vargas | France | 2002 | 52 mn

Today, the road to Kathmandu leads to war and a country in ruins that lost its soul when it lost its king a year ago. When, last June, the crown prince Dipendra assassinated his father in the secrecy of the royal palace, he laid waste one of the...

Moines danseurs du Tibet
Jean-Pierre Devorsine | France | 2001 | 58 mn

The monks of the Tibetan monastery of Shetchen, led by Matthieu Ricard, were invited by Ariane Mnouchkine to present their sacred dances for 15 days at the Théatre du Soleil in Paris. This is the astonishing story of an encounter between Theatre...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Une Française au Népal
Arnaud Jambut, Jean-Dominique Poupel | France | 2000 | 44 mn

Living abroad, managing to make a place for herself in a society diametrically opposed to hers and finding a balance, that is the challenge that Corinne Lachenal, granddaughter of the famous mountaineer Louis Lachenal has chosen. Meetings,...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Sorciers du toit du monde
Arnaud Jambut, Jean-Dominique Poupel | France | 2000 | 52 mn

Raj Kumar has become a healer for a short while ago. His 82-year-old master taught him the ancestral techniques of shamanism. Raj leads us through a world filled with gods, incantations and prayers. Gurung is a shaman too, but his practice is...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Expédition Khumbu-Khola : André Payraud, le nageur de l'Everest
Jean-Luc Gantner | France | 2000 | 52 mn

André Payraud, a specialist of freezing torrents and raging rivers, who pioneered white water swimming in France, nicknamed "the highest swimmer in the world", swam for 5 days, just after the monsoons, down the Khumbu-Khola, the torrent that...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Sur la piste du tigre au Népal
Jeanne Mascolo de Filippis | France | 1999 | 50 mn

In the jungle of Nepal, at the foot of the Himalayas, lives a mythical creature : the Bengal tiger. Sumptuous and solitary, the tiger shares his territory with wild elephants, stags, langurs, peacocks, calaos, families of one-horned rhinoceroses,...

75 films