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Continents-Zones géogr. > Europe > Yougoslavie (Ex-) > Serbie

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

57 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Échos de l'Histoire
Dragana Zarevac | Allemagne, France, Serbie | 2001 | 51 mn

This documentary examines the relationship between history and memory. It begins with the director's reflection about the two often inseparable ways of describing fleeting time. The main thread of the film is the history of Serbia, from the time...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Outubro 5
Graça Castanheira | Portugal, France | 2001 | 62 mn

Zoran and Svetlana run a private film school in Belgrade. I met them in Lisbon. Every year they would come to our film festival and show their students’ films. We became close friends. Ten years of war and the recent bombardment of the city...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Résistants de l'ombre
Goran Markovic | France, Yougoslavie | 2000 | 52 mn

This film would deal with people that can only be found in present day Serbia. Their behaviour, their way of thinking and of living are both unusual and typical of population they belong to. On the one hand, I try to enter the intimacy of these...

Avec tambours et trompettes
Marina Obradovic | France | 2000 | 51 mn

Ivan is eleven years old. He is the first tenor of the youngest brass band in Yugoslavia. Through him we discover the "Mahala", the Tzigane district of a small village in the south of Serbia. A district which resounds at any hour with the sounds...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Écho à la guerre
Vesna Bejic | France | 2000 | 42 mn

After ten years of war, what does the Serbian population think of Milosevic, the opposition, the Western nations and Kosovo ? Several people provide some on-the-spot opinions, a month after the bombings. In august 1999, after the NATO bombings...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Au-delà des montagnes
Marc Richaud, Pierre Nikolic | France | 2000 | 26 mn

In the country of the area of Dragacevo, far away from the trepidations of the modern world, the tradition of the trumpet is still full of life. The Milovan Petrovic' orchestra is meeting corporations that are about to vanish like the lime...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Un château en Serbie
Gilles Oddos, Françoise Collin | France | 1999 | 26 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Attitude
Marko Mormil | France | 1996 | 13 mn

A wander through present-day Yugoslavia with portraits of persons, musical breaks and commentaries "off". The aim is to reveal daily life and the different hopes, fears and joys alive in this country so hard-hit since the war even if this latter...

Plain Paint in Daylight
Martin Hardouin Duparc | France | 1996 | 17 mn

Motion portrait of a painter through his painting. Between his exhibition at Novotel, Paris-les-Halles and his studio at Ormoy, are the traces of a childhood in Belgrade and the pain of a distant war. Boja Parusic was born on June the 6th 1939 in...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Fascisme 3
Ilan Ziv | France | 1996 | 52 mn

The last program in the series is a case study of a fascist enterprise using the particular story of the elimination of the Moslem population of Zvornik in Eastern Bosnia. The film will describe the Serbian media propaganda campaign, which...

57 films