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Loisirs > Sport > Alpinisme

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

86 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Annapurna, histoire d'une légende
Bruno Gallet, Bernard George | France | 1999 | 52 mn

Until not so long ago the general public only knew about the adventure of Annapurna from the story told by Maurice Herzog of which 10 million copies were published. In recent years the testimonies of the other protagonists in this adventure -...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Everest les yeux ouverts
Jean-Gabriel Leynaud | France | 1999 | 27 mn

Refusing oxygen and sherpas – carriers of altitude – a young alpinist tries to climb the highest summit of the world, Everest, to realise his dream : to be the first man succeed the descend by snowboard. But even on the "roof of the world" the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Défi du Khan-Tengri
K-Soul Cherix | Suisse | 1998 | 52 mn

A reflexion on the role of competition in our evolution. Glory and fame or the pleasure of a feat that is pure and free. Man, since all times, pushes his limits in an effort to dominate his interior and exterior world. Every August, ex-Soviet...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Grande Cordée
Jean Afanassieff | France | 1997 | 52 mn

French mountaineering after the war underwent great renewal. In contrast to aristocratic mountaineering with personalities like Henri de Ségogne, and professional mountaineering with guides as the emblematic figures, a new form of amateur...

tout la haut1 Tout là haut
Jean-Gabriel Leynaud | France | 1997 | 26 mn

Jean-Christophe Lafaille is a mountaineer, specialist of the Himalayas and certainly one of the best in the world. This winter, alone, he gave his daughter's name to a Himalayan summit that he was the first to climb : the "Marie Pick". "Conqueror...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Écho du Tien-Shan
K-Soul Cherix | Suisse | 1997 | 49 mn

As they do each summer, mountain guides from the former USSR gather at the 4,000-metre base camp in the Tien-Shan mountain range of Kirghizistan, in readiness for another season. Once members of the Soviet Union's elite sports establishment, today...

Pas si nul que ça
Catherine Hume | France | 1997 | 52 mn

16 teenagers with problems : 8 are school failures and the other 8 are slightly mentally handicapped due to Down's Syndrome. The school failures have accepted the challenge to help the handicapped teenagers in the ascent of a Himalayan summit of...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Gary Hemming
Jean Afanassieff | France | 1996 | 26 mn

The American Alpine climber Gary Hemming was a figure of the 60’s. The story of this out-of-the-common character is closely linked to that of the mountain rescue in Les Drus in 1966, in the mont Blanc range, a rescue he took the initiative for....

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Moitié de la gloire
Alex Mayenfisch | Suisse | 1995 | 45 mn

In 1952, one year before its conquest, a group of mountaineers from Geneva tried the ascent of Mount Everest. They reached a spot 200 meters away from the top, but had to give up. Yet, it was not a failure : they opened the way which, through the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment 4807 Mètres de réussite...
Christophe Rosanvallon | France | 1995 | 28 mn

Seven mentally handicapped adults manage to climb to the top of Mont Blanc along the normal route. But is it normal for the handicapped to conquer the highest peak in Europe ? The well known French alpinist, Marc Battard, is convinced that this...

86 films