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Politique > Conflit > Conflit en ex Yougoslavie

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

104 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Biljana
Esther Frey | France | 2004 | 46 mn

Biljana vit aujourd'hui à Paris. Elle est arrivée de Sarajevo en 1992, après un "accident" de guerre. Elle se souvient de l'accident, du photographe qui l'a prise en photo à ce moment-là. Elle raconte sa vie dans la Yougoslavie d'hier et...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Carton rouge pour la paix
Jean-Charles Deniau | France | 2004 | 40 mn

Gone to film the reconciliation thanks to sport between Albanese and Serbians from Kosovo, Jean-Charles Deniau seized the recent blast of violence between the two communities. Picture of a country on the edge of an explosion.

Michel Anglade, Hervé Ghesquière | France | 2004 | 52 mn

Vukovar, the city of wolves, has been shelled more than any other city in Europe since the end of World War II. Its destruction is historic. A woman was eye witness to Vokuvar's agony: Dr. Vesna Bosanac, who ran a hospital there. The day Vukovar...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Notre musique
Jean-Luc Godard | France, Suisse | 2004 | 80 mn

Royaume 1 - Enfer : images de guerre muettes, accompagnées de quatre phrases et de quatre musiques (piano). Royaume 2 - Purgatoire : Sarajevo, conversations à propos de la nécessité de la poésie, de l'image de soi et de l'autre, de la...

La Terre a promis au ciel
Sabina Subasic | France, Bosnie-Herzégovine | 2003 | 52 mn

Day and night, Shida tirelessly draws portraits of her five sons, currently reported missing. Like thousands of other women in Srebrenica, she lives in her dreams and takes part in the protests demanding that justice be done. For the first time in...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment En faim de rêve !
Blick | France | 2003 | 20 mn

Between here and Bosnia, here and Mostar, a journey in quest of dreams among the crowd of the anonymous. This audiovisual try is about the pleasure to live together in a country ravaged by hate and one other in peace. Cut and filmic...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Hommes de l'ombre de Milosevic
Marie-Claude Vogric, Gonzalo Arijòn | France | 2002 | 55 mn

This film about the criminal power system set up by Milosevic is as interesting for the questions it raises as for the damning elements of answer it proposes. How can we approach this subject which is so complex, the main protagonist of which is...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment As I Lay Dying
Aline Cateux | France | 2002 | 30 mn

130 black and white and colour pictures, animated, reworked through video and numeric tools. Succession of animated sequences conceived as little cruel dreams. Surreal images always sticking to the Bosnian post war reality, even if "As I lay...

mira2 Saya et Mira, rêves perdus
Jasna Krajinovic | France, Belgique | 2002 | 53 mn

In Bosnia, in the city of Brcko, Saya Tanic lives like many others in a house that is not her own. A refugee in her own country, this elderly woman lives with the permanent threat of expulsion. In the face of all this, she is stubborn and...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Outubro 5
Graça Castanheira | Portugal, France | 2001 | 62 mn

Zoran and Svetlana run a private film school in Belgrade. I met them in Lisbon. Every year they would come to our film festival and show their students’ films. We became close friends. Ten years of war and the recent bombardment of the city...

104 films