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Continents-Zones géogr. > Afrique > Congo-Kinshasa (RDC)

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

139 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Ondes de choc
Pierre Mignault, Hélène Magny | Canada | 2007 | 52 mn

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country with one of the world’s highest rates of human rights violations, journalists from Radio Okapi denounce at the risk of their lives, the worst abuses committed against civilian populations. Against...

Mal nommer les choses... (Faustin Linyekula)
Benjamin Bibas | France | 2007 | 23 mn

The short film "Dancing in the Name of... (Faustin Linyekula)" is an attempt to reveal and explain in his own words, Faustin Linyekula’s dance through choreographies by the Kabako Studios (Democratic Republic of Congo). Three excerpts from the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Pillage au Congo
Caroline Dumay | France | 2007 | 45 mn

The film is set in the province of East Kasai, a mining region which was long off-limits to foreigners and which provides a third of the world’s industrial diamonds. Mbuji Mayi, the capital of the province, now has three million inhabitants, a...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Briser le silence
Femke Van Velzen, Ilse Van Velzen | Pays-Bas | 2007 | 55 mn

Marchands de miracles
Gilles Remiche | Belgique, France | 2006 | 52 mn

"Merchants of Miracles" is a journey to the heart of Kinshasa to discover the "churches of healing", also called the "churches of awakening". Their promises of healing incurable diseases, of obtaining a visa for the European eldorado or even of...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Bonobos, le dernier refuge
Dominique Hennequin | France, Allemagne | 2006 | 52 mn

Regarding great monkeys, Bonobo is the man’s closest cousin. His territory, limited to Democratic Republic of Congo, is progressively smaller and its population is now composed of only 10.000. The Bonobos are hunted for its meat, their babies...

Lettre au roi
Frédérique Devillez | Belgique, France | 2006 | 16 mn

Inside "the Little Castle", everybody is waiting. In this reception centre of Brussels with an unusual name, asylum seekers from all over the world keep themselves busy while their request is examined. Basil is one of them. He tells me what gives...

L'Impasse congolaise : Dieu ou l'homme ?
Milau K. Lutumba | France | 2006 | 54 mn

To end with war, began in 1994, The Democratic Republic of Congo submits to the recommendations of South Africa. “The Sun city agreements” have introduced the politic expression “one plus four”, which the population completes with...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Congo Na Biso
Yannick Muller, Chuck De Liedekerke | Belgique, France | 2006 | 52 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Un amour pendant la guerre
Osvalde Lewat | Cameroun | 2005 | 63 mn

This film narrates Aziza’s story who losts tracks of her husband after the beginning of the war in Congo-Kinshasa. Six years after, she eventually finds him with their four children. They try to rebuild a family life but, in spite of their...

139 films