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Politique > Conflit > Guerre de 14-18

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

131 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Je m'appelais Wilkinson
Lode Desmet | Belgique | 2000 | 27 mn

Ploegsteert, January 2000. A tractor brought to surface the bones of a soldier who disappeared during the First World War. Patrick, an amateur archaeologist, identifies the corpse : it appears to be Harry Wilkinson, a British soldier from the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Retour du coq
Pascal Signolet | France, Allemagne | 2000 | 52 mn

Le 1er avril 1945, François Gir, alors aspirant dans les troupes françaises, emporta d’un village allemand le coq en bronze du clocher. Il le conserva comme trophée. Aujourd’hui, François Gir est un papy fringant, talentueux conteur, qui...

20 000 Moujiks sans importance...
Patrick Le Gall | France | 1999 | 60 mn

This film, based on the posthumous accounts of two soldiers, relates the odyssey of 20,000 Russian soldiers who were "lent" to the Allies in exchange for arms. In March 1917, after a year of fighting in the trenches of Champagne, they received...

Les Derniers de la Der des Ders
Jean-Marc Surcin | France | 1999 | 52 mn

1914-1918. They are 18 to 25 years old. They thought they would be back a few weeks later. They stayed months and left their dreams, their friends and their youth in the trenches. This film transmits this terrible experience through the words of...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Ailes de la première heure
Christophe Debuisne | France | 1999 | 55 mn

At the beginning of the World War 1, nearly a hundred Americans decided to volunteer and fight for France. They formed the Escadrille La Fayette in 1916, one year before the United States entered the war. Many of them never made it back home.

PAS DE FOT DISPO Le Sang des autres
Pascal Goethals, Bruno Vouters | France | 1998 | 26 mn

Des centaines de nos contemporains consacrent leur vie à cette "drôle de Guerre". Ils sont en effet étudiants, économistes, plasticiens, agriculteurs, chirurgiens, sociologues, historiens, jardiniers, veilleurs de nuit, maires de village......

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Adieu la vie, adieu l'amour…
Gérard Raynal | France | 1998 | 60 mn

80 years after "the exemplary executions" at the Chemin des Dames, this documentary lifts the veil from case of "national amnesia" to address the citizen's right to exercise his judgement and express himself during military service. Exceptional...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le SPAD
Alain Le Kim | France, Luxembourg | 1998 | 54 mn

The story of the SPAD is exemplary in that it enlightens us on the habits of a period that has disappeared. SPAD, initials for "Société Provisoire des Avions Deperdussin", was founded and belonged to one of the great pioneers of French aviation,...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Glaive brisé
Alain Marcoen | Belgique | 1998 | 58 mn

In 1918, today's war veterans were young. Each of their many voices had a story to tell, forming the memory of their war. As time went by, many vanished from the ranks. Most of them disappeared, without anyone noticing. In 1998, only a few are...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Sur les cîmes, tout est calme
Yervant Gianikian, Angela Ricci Lucchi | France | 1998 | 72 mn

Images d'archives des batailles dans les Alpes entre soldats italiens et autrichiens durant la première guerre mondiale, parmi lesquelles les négatifs et les positifs originaux d'un pionnier du cinéma de guerre, Luca Comerio.

131 films