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Société > Famille > Mariage

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

223 films
Marie-Cécile Embleton | Angleterre | 2018 | 22 mn

An award-winning Indian blind sitarist at the peak of his career reflects on how he overcame social stigma and transformed his relationship to music, forging his incredible path to love and success.

Quan Jia Fu
Giancarlo Rocconi | Belgique | 2018 | 30 mn

"Quan Jia Fu (A Chinese Family Portrait)" is a documentary about a young Chinese woman living in Europe who pays a brief visit to her family in Beijing before getting married, observed through the eyes of her fiancé and future son-in-law of her...

La Mazda jaune et sa sainteté
Sandra Heremans | Belgique | 2018 | 11 mn

A conceptual experiment on what it means to begin a film with a black image, develops into a subtle personal journey about the filmmaker. The story of a Belgian missionary falling in love with a Rwandese girl, is woven together with images of a...

Guy Bordin, Renaud de Putter | Belgique | 2017 | 80 mn

1910. Charlotte Dufrène, a former demimondaine secluded in elegant society close to Paris, has to accept a strange proposal: to become the pretend companion of Raymond Roussel, an eccen- tric writer and secret homosexual. She would spend...

Monsieur et Madame Piccioli
Fabio Falzone | France | 2017 | 13 mn

Julie et Laurent racontent leur amour dans la gravité du quotidien. Ils s'aiment depuis 25 ans, unis dans les combats de la vie et contre le temps qui passe. Julie et Laurent Piccioli sont aussi trisomiques.

God Bless Claude François
Alice Barnole | France | 2017 | 19 mn

Le couple qu’est ce que c’est ? Vaut-il mieux mourir seul que mal accompagné ? Alice, perdue dans un monde sans merveilles, questionne son éducation et ses modèles.

Souriez, vous êtes mariés !
Gertrude Baillot | France | 2017 | 52 mn

Accompagnés des photographes qu’ils ont choisis pour témoigner de l’événement, trois couples s’apprêtent à se marier. En bons professionnels, les photographes guident les futurs époux à chaque étapes des préparatifs et du...

L'École de la vie
Maite Alberdi | France, Chili, Pays-Bas | 2017 | 80 mn

Anita, Rita, Ricardo et Andrès forment une bande de copains trisomiques qui partage les bancs de la même école depuis 40 ans. Mais ils aspirent à une autre vie. Ils voudraient juste pouvoir faire comme tout le monde : être autonome, gagner de...

La Reine Hermine
Caroline Kim-Morange | France | 2017 | 23 mn

A French citizen engaged in political life and a dynamic woman, Hermine has seen her life change in the past few years. After her romantic encounter with Aby, the traditional chief of a village in Cameroon, she has become his 12th spouse.

Every Fortnight
Joan Tisminetzky, Laura Huguet Sesé | Espagne | 2017 | 55 mn

Every fifteen days is a documentary that follows the life of a deaf-blind father and his daughter, who wants to be a singer. There is a surgery that would allow the father to see through a camera inserted in his eye.

223 films