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Société > Famille > Mariage

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

223 films
Amchilini, choisis-moi
Kader Allamine | Tchad, Côte-d'Ivoire, France | 2023 | 69 mn

In my village on the edge of the Chadian desert, there is a traditional ceremony which forces women who have been single for too long to choose their husbands to ward off certain spells. In these times of female revolt, this is an opportunity to...

Oumar Ba | France, Sénégal | 2023 | 55 mn

Pour éviter de payer des cérémonies de mariage trop coûteuses ou des dots exorbitantes, la communauté Peulh autorise le rapt de la future fiancée. Cette tradition, le goufdé, a depuis dévié et elle est plus souvent mariage forcé que...

I Love You, You Love Me
Antonia Stelitano, Luna Zimmermann | Italie, , France | 2023 | 20 mn

Joy waits the impending arrival of his betrothed, while she offers marital advice to her customers. Her days are marked by hectic work, wedding preparations and worry for her children who remained in Nigeria

Ma sœur forever
Florian Richaud | France | 2022 | 52 mn

In a few days, Claire is getting engaged. Her Prince Charming, the beautiful white dress, the fairytale wedding: she has been dreaming of this since she was a little girl. Surrounded by her family and friends, she consecrates this marvelous moment...

Orangers en fleur
Laura Gabay | Suisse, Espagne | 2022 | 22 mn

Laura is a young Swiss woman who decide to take a trip to her Spanish origins. Seville is the place where she can create closer ties with her grandmother. Carmen is a centennial woman who returned from her Swiss exile after fifteen years of work....

Anni Belli
Anna Francesca Leccia | France | 2022 | 52 mn

Anni Belli est un documentaire d’Anna Francesca Leccia qui propose une plongée nostalgique dans l’Italie des années 70, à travers les souvenirs de quatre familles liées à l’histoire de la légalisation du divorce.

Une jeunesse italienne
Mathieu Volpe | Belgique, France, Italie | 2022 | 81 mn

At the dawn of his 25 years, Sokuro, son of Burkinabé immigrants living in Italy, perpetuates family traditions by marrying Nassira, a young woman from his native village, a few kilometers from Ouagadougou. Back home in Italy after the wedding,...

La Promesse du bagne
Joseph Dégramon Ndjom | France | 2021 | 60 mn

Detyr, my 46-year-old uncle and his 33-year-old companion Adèle, made a promise to each other while they were still prisoners: to make their lives together once they were free. Today, they are living in the village of Nkonga (Cameroon), where...

Les Utopistes debout
Alaa Ashkar | France | 2021 | 51 mn

Tim essaye de se réaliser en tant que musicien. Fanny le soutient dans ses désirs tout en ayant envie de fonder une famille à ces côtés. Arriveront--ils à concilier rêves personnels et vie de couple ?

Sarmale Cu Ciuperci
Paula Onet | France | 2021 | 10 mn

A package that arrives in the middle of the night after traveling 1,500 km and 4 countries. Inside, only goodies: vegetables from the garden, jars with homemade preparations and a tupperware with sarmale. This traditional Romanian dish sets off a...

223 films