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ou la frontière du protestantisme Série-Collection : Les Cités de Dieu

Olivier Mille
2000 - 52 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

Symbolic pole of asserted Protestantism, Washington is also the city where young rappers preach the Gospel and where doctors propose to heal by prayer.
How is Protestantism experienced today in the capital of the "new world order" ? What is the true foundation of the law in the United States ? Bible or civil constitution ? Religious state or lay state ? Through a fascinating investigation, which plunges us into the very heart of America’s contradictions, unusual characters present their vision of Protestantism and reveal a model of faith that is totally different from ours.
Washington : a city where, for once, the United States do not appear as the model for our close future : a city which offers us, in a condensed form, all the questions about the death and return of God in the West.


Distributor : Artline films