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Valérie Fratellini, le saut dans le vide Série-Collection : Quels Cirques !

Stéphane Collin
2003 - 26 min - Beta numérique & DV Cam - Couleur - France

Valérie Fratellini, daughter of Annie Fratellini, is the heir of a long line of clowns and acrobats which has deeply marked the history of the traditional circus. Today, she is trying to invent a circus off the tracks beaten by her name : it is a challenge that begins with a levelling of all that up to now has been considered to be "acquired".
The film writes the log book of the beginnings of this first creation, which starts with the long work of "starting from scratch", under the leadership of the choreographer and director Bruno Dizien.

Author-Director : Stéphane Collin
Delegate Producer : 1+1 Production
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3 Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : TV5
Contribution : CNC, Procirep, Région Picardie


Distributor : 1+1 Production
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