Not All of Me Will Die
Joanna Grudzinska
2022 - 77 min - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France, Pologne

Zuzanna Ginczanka was born in the middle of the Russian Revolutions, in Kyiv. In this year 1917, the city had just turned into the capital of Soviet Ukraine. She grew up in the young independent Polish Republic, in a region which is now part of Ukraine, before settling in Warsaw to fulfill her literary career.
Yet the Second World War broke out. It forced her to go and hide in Lviv, invaded by Soviet Russia and then taken by the Nazis in 1941. Three years later, she was murdered in jail in Krakow, aged 27.
Zuzanna Ginczanka belongs to the first generation of the Polish-educated Jewish intelligentsia, in a geography which no longer exists and is today stained with blood. We decided to tell her poetry and her life backwards, from her death to her birth.
A present-time narrative, made up to tell a dazzling path which expressed in a sensual, feminist and rebellious artwork.


Distributor : Tangente Distribution
VOD : CinéMutins