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All the While I Was Not Dead
Matthieu Saint-Maker
2016 - 45 min - HD & Super 8 mm - Couleur - France

Between 1988 and 1996, Christophe Houdaille sailed more than 90 000 miles in the subantartic oceans. I meet him in the small Irish town where he moved in the early 2000?s. The sailor has stopped his sea voyages. Nevertheless, the journey seems to carry on and I came to observe Christophe's ability to make it endless, despite the absence of new departure. And then, there is an Island. The one that the sailor keeps secret, deep in his mind. On this Island, everything overflows and coexists for ever.

Author-Director : Matthieu Saint-Maker
Photography : Matthieu Saint-Maker
Sound : Emmanuel Falguières
Editing : Baptiste Petit-Gats
Delegate Producer : Studio Shaiprod


Distributor : Studio Shaiprod
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