The Armenian History Told by Women
Inna Mkhitaryan
2022 - 84 min - HDV - Couleur - Arménie, France

In an Armenian village, five women – who are daughters, mothers and grandmothers – from several generations debate together about life and war while they prepare lavash, the Armenian traditional bread.
Tonratun (bakery) is a space where women can talk openly about things considered shameful or embarrassing in Armenian society with a patriarchal tradition. While men are away, they talk to each other near the fire and mix their tears with the flour. Their words and their laughs are now their daily bread.

Author-Director : Inna Mkhitaryan
Photography : Andranik Sahakyan
Sound : Graciela Barrault, Armen Papyan
Editing : Justine Hiriart
Delegate Producer : La Huit Production
Co-producer : Cined Productions
Co-producer : DoKino
Co-producer : Fotogram
Broadcasting Co-producer : TV78


Distributor : La Huit Distribution


2022 - États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France) : Doc Monde