The Warriors
( I Guerrieri )

Loredana Acquaviva
2019 - 52 min - VHS & vidéo Full HD - Couleur - France

This is the story of a family and its journey. It’s my family. I had just finished training to become a filmmaker, when after 17 years of struggle my father enters into the final stage of Parkinson's disease. I decide to borrow a camera and film my father and family's last Christmas together.
On the TV, the Maya announce the end of the world. Is this the beginning of the end? Or just bullshit! My father decides to live and fight for another two years. We have supported him without limits.
"I Guerrieri" is an Italian painting of our humanity facing the separation from the loved ones.

Author-Director : Loredana Acquaviva
Photography : Loredana Acquaviva
Sound : Daniel Pearson
Editing : Maria Francesca Valentini, Santi Minasi
Delegate Producer : Allindi
Broadcasting Co-producer : France Télévisions
Broadcasting Co-producer : ViaTelePaese
Contribution : Scam, Région Corse


Distributor : Gérôme Bouda


2020 - Festival AprèsVaran, Paris (France) : Sélection