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The Lost People of The Ganges
( Les Egarés du Gange )

Nicolas Autheman, Frédéric Malègue, Nicolas Orsini
2011 - 52 min - Couleur - France

Every three year, millions of persons celebrate the Kumbh Mela at the Ganges river, the largest religious gathering in the world. Each time thousands of people go missing.
Some are found, but without any means of communication, others are lost in the crowd and spend days and weeks in vain to return home.Some others, mostly old women and children are abandoned by their family on the stairs of the Ganges River.

Author-Director : Nicolas Autheman, Frédéric Malègue, Nicolas Orsini
Editing : Solveig Risacher
Delegate Producer : Les Poissons volants
Broadcasting Co-producer : France Télévisions
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 5


Distributor : Les Poissons volants