Tango Negro, the African Roots of Tango
Dom Pedro
2013 - 93 min - Vidéo HD - Couleur - France

"Tango Negro, The African Roots of Tango" by Angolan filmmaker Dom Pedro explores the expression of Tango's Africanness and the contribution of African cultures in the creation of the tango. Tango was a reflection of the social life of the slaves that were taken to South America – including Argentina and Uruguay – mostly from central Africa, particularly from the former Kongo Kingdom.
Director Dom Pedro reveals the depth of the footprints of the African music on the tango, through this rich movie combining musical performances and interviews from many tango fans and historians in Latin America and Europe, including the renowned Argentinean pianist Juan Carlos Caceres.

Author-Director : Dom Pedro
Photography : Julien Féret
Sound : Florent Picollet
Editing : Isabelle Feder
Delegate Producer : AMA productions
Co-producer : Les Films Alyne
Contribution : CNC, Sacem


Distributor : AMA productions


2015 - Festival Panafricain du Cinéma et de la Télévision de Ouagadougou (FESPACO), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) : Compétition Documentaires
2014 - Festival Quintessence, Ouidah (Bénin) : Sélection
2014 - Vues d'Afrique, Montréal (Canada) : Premier Prix - Long métrage
2014 - FIFOG (Festival International du Film Oriental de Genève), Genève (Suisse) : Sélection