Sousa Martins
Justine Lemahieu
2018 - 81 min - Video Ultra HD - Couleur - Portugal, France

In Portugal, not every saint goes to Church! Born in 1843, Sousa Martins, famous philanthropist doctor, became, despite him and his struggles as a man of the sciences, the object of a true religious cult. A popular cult, practiced outside any church or convention.
The statue erected in his memory in the core of Lisbon, at Campo Mártires da Pátria, is the starting point of a simultaneous personal and anthropological journey, which questions our need for faith and its relation to healing.

Author-Director : Justine Lemahieu
Photography : João Pedro Placido
Sound : Olivier Blanc, João Gazua, Miguel Moraes Cabral
Editing : Justine Lemahieu
Original Music : Johannes Krieger
Delegate Producer : Ukbar Filmes
Co-producer : Quilombo films
Contribution : CNC. Aide au développement, Scam, Sacem


Distributor : Ukbar Filmes