Retour vers le Néolithique
1 - L'École des Préhistoriques 2 - Pris dans la tourmente 3 - La Fin du voyage
Jacques Mitsch
2003 - 52 min - Beta numérique - Couleur - France

During a few weeks, two families can experience Neolithic lifestyle in a remote village built by scientists to recreate our prehistoric ancestor's everyday life.
This series gives to the public an innovative and lively understanding of Neolithic period as well as an overview of expert' approach to enlighten scientific knowledge of this key-point in human history.

Author-Director : Jacques Mitsch
Original Music : Éric Thomas
Delegate Producer : La Compagnie des Taxi-Brousse
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3
Contribution : CNC, Conseil général du Cantal


Distributor : La Compagnie des Taxi-Brousse
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
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