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Bénin, Togo, Burkina Faso, Côte-d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Sénégal et Guinée-Bissau.
Jean-Luc Bréchat, Thierry Levaché
2004 - 52 min - Beta numérique & Betacam SP - Couleur - France

Résonnance is a strolling through 8 West African countries: Benin, Togo, Burkina Faso, Ivoiry Cost, Mali, Niger, Senegal et Guinea-Bissau. This film combines Africa in the mode singular/plural: rural and urban, economic and cultural, technologic and traditional... In "Résonance" Africa's producing herself by the way of her contradictions, her energies, her myths, her crossed fates. The numerous scenes captured on the markets, in the companies, in the factories, in the harbors and the cities show how African inhabitants adapt and transform the new technologies inserting their own imaginary. Like everywhere, modernity had stroken into lifes of many but had conserved relations with traditional and sacred issues. In "Résonance", between cities and countrysides, new Africa discloses herself to the world: she fully takes on her rythms a priori antinomic, her numerous lifes, her contradictions, on a background of an irrepressible aptitude for happiness and love for life. From one country to another, this visual and sound waves bubblement of contemporain upheavals of this century beginning.

Author-Director : Jean-Luc Bréchat, Thierry Levaché
Delegate Producer : 40 Km productions


Distributor : 40 Km productions
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