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Portrait de Jean Dréville
1 L'Âge d'or - 2 Horizons sans fin
Noël Simsolo
1995 - 52 min - Betacam SP - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

Portrait, career and memories of Jean Dréville from the time of silent movies until today.
A journey through the 40 films of one of the most prolific and talented French filmmakers. An evocation of the 7th art history by a privileged witness, since the time of the fairground stands to the new technologies. With, in addition, encounters with some great actors such as Harry Baur, Charles Vanel, Louis Jouvet, Noël-Noël, Gisèle Pascal ("Les Affaires sont les affaires", "Copie conforme", "La Cage aux rossignols", "La Bataille de l'eau lourde", "Horizons sans fin", "La Fayette"...)

Author-Director : Noël Simsolo
Delegate Producer : ACCAAN (Atelier cinéma de Normandie)


Distributor : ACCAAN (Atelier cinéma de Normandie)