Mission banquise, le voyage immobile
Emilio Maille
2003 - 90 min - DV Cam & Beta num - Couleur - France, Canada

Jean-Louis Etienne will board the Polar Explorer, a revolutionary observation module, and head for the heart of an ocean of ice to begin another human and scientific adventure. This solitary expedition will make an exceptional contribution to research programs on the arctic environment.
It is here that the angoing global climatic changes can be read : the ice pack, which has lost 40 % of his thickness and 6 % of his surface in 40 years, has become the very symbol of this phenomenon.
Dropped off at the North Pole by a giant Russian Army helicopter, Polar Explorer and its single occupant will drift with the ice pack for more than four months, carried away toward Svalbard by the great transpolar current. During these four months we will also follow the "inner voyage" of this hearty adventurer.

Author-Director : Emilio Maille
Delegate Producer : Gédéon Programmes
Co-producer : Espace vert production
Co-producer : Gaz de France
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 5
Broadcasting Co-producer : TV Ontario
Contribution : CNC, Procirep


Distributor : Terranoa
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
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