Lettres d'amour en Somalie
Frédéric Mitterrand
1982 - 110 min - Couleur - France

Its own way, "Love letters in Somalia" perpetuates the travel stories of the 19th Century. In this epistolary film, the traveller gives us his impressions about Africa and his expression of his loving despair. Images from present mix up with the unceasing echoes of a lost love, combining intimate pain to the misery of a country torn part between inner fights and poverty.

Author-Director : Frédéric Mitterrand
Photography : John Cressey
Editing : Luc Barnier
Original Music : Jean Wiener
Delegate Producer : Les Films du losange
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3


2014 - Les Rencontres du cinéma documentaire, Montreuil (France) : Sélection