Les Voraces
Jean Rousselot
2010 - 62 min - DVC Pro - Couleur - France

This film tells the story of a unique experience that takes place at the lycée "Le Corbusier", a high school set in Aubervilliers, in the northern suburbs of Paris, an area that is famous for its massive immigration, striking poverty and its images of riots that have been broadcasted around the world.
Shot from September to July, this film shows a group of 18-year-old boys and girls who want to know more about the civilization and the country in which most of them were not born but in which they will live their lives. This journey takes them from their high school (where they meet with doctors, journalists, lawyers on topics such as women's rights, the decolonisation war in Algeria, prisons and the abolition of death penalty in France) to the greatest theatres of Paris and the Louvre museum.

Author-Director : Jean Rousselot
Photography : Jean Rousselot
Sound : Vincent Piponnier
Editing : Florence Ricard
Delegate Producer : Vanglabeke Films
Co-producer : On line productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : Télessonne
Broadcasting Co-producer : tv 77
Broadcasting Sale : France Ô
Contribution : CNC. COSIP, ACSE (Agence nationale pour la cohésion sociale et l'égalité des chances), Préfecture de la Seine Saint-Denis


Distributor : On line productions
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
Circulation-Consultation : Musée national de l'Histoire de l'immigration
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