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Les Années Sartre (1938-1956) Série-Collection : Le Siècle des intellectuels

Alain Ferrari
1999 - 52 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - France

1939-1956. These years were dominated by World War Two, which the Munich Conference failed to prevents. The intellectual and political divisions of the pre-war recurred dramatically after the armistice : Vichyists, collaborators, resistants fighters, communists, Gaullists – a ruthless war broke out among the French. The vanquished were judged before épuration tribunals after the Liberation. Robert Brasillach was sentenced to death. Resistance writers such as Mauriac pleaded for his pardon, in vain. Jean-Paul Sartre and the team of "Les Temps modernes" theorised on the responsibilities of the writer and committed literature.
Communism was the great hope for many. But the Krushchev report of 1956 on the crimes of Stalin, then the entry of Soviet tanks into Hungary shattered their illusions.

Author-Director : Alain Ferrari
Author : Michel Winock
Researcher : Christine Loiseau
Delegate Producer : BFC Productions
Co-producer : Ina (Institut National de l'Audiovisuel)
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Cinquième


Distributor : BFC Productions