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Les Alsaciens et le Barabli
1 - Et même s'il pleuvait des chats... 2 - Barabli à n'en plus finir
Félix Benoist, Patrice Muller
1999 - 52 min - Beta numérique - Couleur - France

1 - Just after the World War II, in a doubtful and splited Alsace, Germain Muller, a young 23 years old artist, establish the "Barabli", a satiric Alsatian cabaret. Quickly sketches and songs of Barabli resound in Alsace like a savage and happy echoes about that Alsatians were living at this time. This film attempt to recreate in some pieces, the beginning of this artistic adventure, this Golden Age of the Barabli in Alsace after the war, to show how and in which stakes the Barabli forged the first links with a region, a time and people, a story which will last 42 years.
2 – The Barabli lasted as long as Germain Muller were strong enough to write, to be on stage, to honour the essential "rendez-vous" he took every year with his public. So, it's true to say that something particular happened between Barabli and its audience : an affection, a link which crossed the ages and generations. The film attempt to find again, in which places, on which emotions, this link has been build up.


Distributor : Le Meilleur des mondes
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