The Koro of Bakoro, the Survivors of Faso
Simplice Herman Ganou
2017 - 78 min - DCP & vidéo Full HD - Couleur - France, Burkina Faso

Polo has been wandering around Ouagadougou since he was a child. Now twenty-nine, he is the eldest of a gang of youths who live struggling to get by and to get stoned. A brutal plunge into a reality as rough as the tarmac missing from the streets of Ouaga, "The Koro of Bakoro, the Survivors of Faso" raises the question of identity. In the street, you’re nobody. Polo heads for the village to try to get his birth certificate, like the metaphoric body of a Burkina Faso orphaned by the death of Sankara, and whose recent revolution has left its children abandoned.

Author-Director : Simplice Herman Ganou
Photography : Simplice Herman Ganou, Oumar Ba
Sound : Moumouni Jupiter Sodré
Editing : Nicolas Houver, Isabelle Feder
Delegate Producer : Adonis Liranza
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Adonis Liranza


2017 - Visions du Réel, Nyon (Suisse) : Sélection