Last Journey of Dashdeleg
Philippe Mac Gaw
2014 - 66 min - HD - Couleur - France

Do we remember the place we were born? Can we recall the sound of the wind, the colour of the water, the fluttering of the leaves on the branches overhead?
In a ceremony that takes place every three years, the nomads of Mongolia go back to their birthplace to roll on the ground, an offering to the spirits of their ancestors. Dashdeleg’s birthplace is his life source; the intangible memory of his existence, the spirit of the dead, an imprint forever present. He has chosen to leave. He will join the living in town, those who are too old to continue the farmer’s life. During their preparations for departure, he upholds his dream that his grandson, Ochroo, will carry on the tradition and honour his nomadic hertitage. He entrusted me with the task of telling his story and that alone was a significant responsibility…

Author-Director : Philippe Mac Gaw
Author : Franck Sanson
Photography : Philippe Mac Gaw, Manou Jakubowicz
Sound : Frédéric Maronnier, Cédric Lambert, Julien Bach
Editing : Jugurtha Ouar
Delegate Producer : Pronto Prod
Broadcasting Co-producer : Voyage
Broadcasting Co-producer : Ushuaïa TV
Contribution : CNC. Aide au développement


Distributor : Windrose Distribution
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