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Le Cirque Désaccordé Série-Collection : Quels Cirques !

Jean-Yves Le Moine
2003 - 26 min - Beta num & DV Cam - Couleur - France

The "Désaccordé" circus started 5 years ago. Composed of the students of a whole year from the Ecole supérieure des arts du cirque (Circus school) in Châlons-en-Champagne, this company is a good example of what the contemporary circus owes the circus of yesteryear, of what it has managed to preserve of the collective ideal and life project, while putting to sleep the most ambitious designs of the new circus.
These "disagreers" make their differences, their disagreements, in their lives as well as in the ring, the very impulse of their creative research and their approach to life. These disagreements are what the documentary is attached to.
In front of the camera the notes of a possible agreement are sounded little by little.

Author-Director : Jean-Yves Le Moine
Delegate Producer : 1+1 Production
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3 Méditerranée
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : TV5
Contribution : CNC, Procirep


Distributor : 1+1 Production
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