Chemin des brumes
Xavier Liébard
2003 - 52 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

The Arrée Mounts form a stony case in the centre of inner Brittany. With its arid and tough aspect, this enclosed land keeps its secrets jealously. The characters of this documentary have chosen to live here. They all share a fascination for the land that hosts them. For an Autumn, a road-movie looking for faces and places.

Author-Director : Xavier Liébard
Photography : Aurélien Devaux
Sound : Pierre-Yves Croguennec, Xavier Liébard
Editing : Xavier Liébard, Sarah Anderson
Delegate Producer : Xavier Liébard
Co-producer : Cinémathèque de Bretagne
Contribution : CNC, Région Bretagne


Distributor : Xavier Liébard
DVD Editing : Cinémathèque de Bretagne