Wings of Butterfly
Film sur un film inachevé
Alexandre Balagura
2008 - 64 min - DV Cam - France, Ukraine

Muybridge’s chronophotographs, the theatre and its shadows, Tarkovski’s Nostalgia, a deceased friend, a collective film never finished and mislaid somewhere in the Kiev studios, a lapse of memory in a train, veils superposed, the first image, the mother’s blurred face, juxtaposed images, the grand- mother’sizbawithhericonconcealedbehindascreenandthenaïvepaintingofmotherandchildtohidetheelectricitymeter,thephotoofabeautiful unknown woman... loss is the hub of Battement d’ailes d’un papillon along with all that this has to teach us about love. The wonder inspired by images in movement does not come from the mechanical effect of an optical illusion, but rather from the enigma of desire that is being played out 24 times a second. Endless nostalgia and infinite melancholy.

Author-Director : Alexandre Balagura
Photography : Nicolas Rey
Sound : Alexei Salov
Editing : Alexandre Balagura
Delegate Producer : LGM (Luc et Gisèle Meichler)
Co-producer : Inspiration Films
Contribution : Ministère de la culture Ukrainien, CNC


Distributor : Light Cone
Disponible au Club du doc


2009 - Cinéma du réel, Paris (France) : Compétition Internationale