The Tomb of Gengis Khan : the Secret Revealed
Cédric Robion
2016 - 90 min - Couleur - France

Since the 13th century, successive generations of explorers, scientists and historians have been fascinated by a gripping archaeological mystery. The tomb of Genghis Khan, the greatest conqueror in history, is hidden somewhere in Mongolia. But where? Eight centuries after his death, a French team have studied ancient secret texts and medieval Eurasian funeral rites to uncover the traces of the Mongol Emperor.
All clues point to a sacred zone, where access is forbidden: "The Wild North". Professor Giscard, one of the founders of Mongolian archaeology, has been able to penetrate this sanctuary with a scientific team to carry out an extraordinary investigation. New technologies have enabled a completely different archaeological approach, making it possible to locate the Tomb of Genghis Khan without trespass, without destruction, without touching the earth with a shovel.

Author-Director : Cédric Robion
Photography : Laurent Didier, Hugues Gemignani, Benjamin Briones
Sound : Pierre Carrasco
Editing : Audrey Maurion, Cédric Robion
Delegate Producer : Agat films
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : France 5


Distributor : Terranoa
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