La Prise de l'Élysée
Serge Moati
2007 - 110 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

Everything you always wanted to know about the French presidential campaign... Serge Moati and his teams spent four months filming the four main candidates and once again give us a different angle of vision, an often funny and offbeat look at this race to the Elysées Palace.
In the course of the movements and meetings of Ségolène Royal, Nicolas Sarkozy, François Bayrou and Jean-Marie Le Pen and their advisors, the cameras show us what the official campaign didn’t. A new-style campaign with tightly controlled communications and over which hovered the traumatic shadow of 2002.

Author-Director : Serge Moati
Photography : Vincent de Cointet, Victor Moati, Guillaume Martin, Romain Girard
Sound : Jean-Christophe Girard, Philippe Legay, Franck Hirsch
Delegate Producer : Image & compagnie
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3


Distributor : France Télévisions
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
DVD Editing : MK2 Éditions