Electro Ocean
Philippe Orreindy
2015 - 52 min - HD - Couleur - France

Romain, aka Molecule, is a composer of electronic music who has come up with a madcap plan to spend five weeks on a fishing trawler writing a new album.
Fred, the skipper of the Joseph Roty II and its 59-strong crew, has to fetch the biggest possible catch from the icy waters of the Irish Sea. Romain, on the other hand, is hoping that braving some storms will unleash his creativity.
These two different approaches to the ocean create an unexpected meeting of music and fishing.

Author-Director : Philippe Orreindy
Photography : Fabrice Richard
Sound : Dominique Dallemagne, Henry Puizillout
Editing : Pascale Berson-Lecuyer
Original Music : Romain Molécule
Delegate Producer : Real productions
Co-producer : Aber images
Co-producer : Bela Films
Broadcasting Co-producer : Tébéo - Télévision Bretagne Ouest
Broadcasting Co-producer : TébéSud
Broadcasting Co-producer : TVR Rennes 35 Bretagne
Contribution : Procirep, Région Bretagne, Sacem, CNC. COSIP


Distributor : Real productions
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