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L'Air et l'Espace Série-Collection : Les Géants du siècle

Krzysztof Talczewski
1998 - 52 min - Vidéo - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

Series "Giants of the century", 10th episode.
The century began with timid hops on board motorised kites, seven decades later those hops culminated in man's giant leap to a lunar landing.
They led from the adventures of aeronautics to those of astronauts, from the French airmail service to the "Concorde" and right up to the conquest of space, which stands as the most extraordinary achievement of them all. Incredibly courageous pioneers winged mankind faster, further and higher then ever.
We can now envision the day when others will fly all the way to Mars.

Author-Director : Krzysztof Talczewski
Author : Jean-Paul Thomas
Delegate Producer : XXIe Siècle
Co-producer : Vision 7
Co-producer : TBC Productions (To be continued productions)
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Cinquième
Broadcasting Sale : Télé Québec (Canada)
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Europe images international