Jean-Marie Pelt, le rêveur éveillé
Serge Steyer
2003 - 63 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

Jean-Marie Pelt, a botany professor, is now devoting his life to giving accounts of his preoccupations as a scientist and a citizen.
Like a road movie with Jean-Marie Pelt and his housekeepers Mrs Moll, the film explores different accurate questions and themes (genetically modified organisms, urban ecology, ethno pharmacology, botany). Pelt examines these questions from different viewpoints, seeking to restore the bond of man with nature.


Distributor : Bix films
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
DVD Editing : Bix films
Circulation-Consultation : BPI (Bibliothèque publique d'information)
Disponible au Club du doc