I Forgot
Eduardo Williams
2014 - 25 min - HD - Couleur - France

The very wide angle captures in a generous gesture the life of a young man, Hoa, who is often surrounded with his group of friends. Following Hoa, busy with various odd jobs, we go from a supermarket to a bar, then in a backyard, we join a motorbike ride through the streets of Hanoi, we cross bridges, go through orchards, to end up on the roofs of a disused building site. Following the little group whose trite, sometimes surprising if not weird conversation we catch snatches, Eduardo Williams shows again his interest in groups and his ability to film them. Simplicity, obviousness of the cutting, a manner of gracefully spinning around his characters, to create a cinema of freedom, won with no apparent effort, in the image of his character that nothing really seems to connect to the ground.
(Céline Guénot. FIDMarseille 2014)

Author-Director : Eduardo Williams
Photography : Eduardo Williams
Sound : Arnaud Soulier
Editing : Florence Bresson
Delegate Producer : Kazak Productions
Contribution : Conseil général de Seine-Saint-Denis


Distributor : Kazak Productions
Disponible au Club du doc


2014 - FIDMarseille (Festival International de Cinéma), Marseille (France) : Compétition internationale - Mention spéciale
2014 - Doclisboa - Festival Internacional de Cinema Documental, Lisbonne (Portugal) : Compétition internationale - Courts métrages
2014 - Festival de cine de Valdivia, Valdivia (Chili) : Sélection
2014 - Les Écrans Documentaires, Arcueil (France) : Sélection "Premiers films"