I am Kombi
( Increvable Combi VW )

Claudia Marschal
2012 - 52 min - HD - Couleur - France

Seen by many as a cool and friendly camper van, a lost and confused Kombi VW bus decides to take a trip around the globe in search of his true identity. Seen through the eyes of several different owners of this iconic bus, Kombi stumbles across some engrossing facts that illustrate startling revelations concerning his past and present reputation.
Guided by a secretive storyteller, we are taken on an informative adventure that is both entertaining and mysterious.

Author-Director : Claudia Marschal
Author : Ian Simpson
Photography : Claudia Marschal
Sound : Yohann Angelvy, Claudia Marschal, Jean-Christophe Girard
Editing : Fred Piet
Delegate Producer : Crescendo Média Films
Co-producer : Riva et George Créatifs Associés
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 5
Contribution : Angoa-Agicoa, CNC. COSIP, Procirep, Région Alsace


Distributor : Terranoa
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
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