Marek Piwowski
1971 - 17 min - Noir & Blanc - Pologne

English summary
The film was intented as a report from an official event, which was Friendship Cup at the 9th All Socialist Hairdressing Art Competition held in Warsaw in 1971. The director restricted himself to showing the contest without any commentary. The parodic title aside, the very manner in which the competition was presented leaves no doubt as to the author’s satirical intentions.
By exposing the event’s tackiness, the hairdressers’ and judges’ bad taste, the models’ and comperes’ pretentiousness and the triviality of the accompanying events and setting, Piwowski poked fun at the more than just the low level of the domestic entertainment industry.

Auteur-Réalisateur : Marek Piwowski
Image : Andrzej Myszkowski, Ryszard Maissner
Son : Wlodzimierz Wojtys
Montage : Anna Baraniecka
Producteur délégué : Telewizja Polska