Genetic Me
Pernille Rose Gronkjaer
2014 - 52 min - HD - Couleur - Danemark

Genetic Me is a humorous and very human gateway into the rising science of who we are. Using wit and authenticity, the film connects a deeply personal tale with frontier genetic research and provides new perspectives on the eternal question of: "How did I become me?"
This is the science you thought you would never understand finally made accessible and about to set you on a personal journey into the future.

Author-Director : Pernille Rose Gronkjaer
Author : Lone Franck
Delegate Producer : The Four Letter Revolution Aps


Distributor : DR International Sales


2014 - Pariscience - Festival international du film scientifique, Paris (France) : Prix Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
2014 - Pariscience - Festival international du film scientifique, Paris (France) : Prix Etudiant - Région Ile-de-France