SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Think about wood, Think about metal
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 Fragment of a filmmaker's work: Klaus Wildenhahn Think about wood, Think about metal

Think about wood, Think about metal
Manon de Boer
2011 - Pyas-Bas/Belgique - Couleur - 48'

Fragments of the life and thinking of percussionist Robyn Schulkowsky are situated in the history of avant-garde music during and after the seventies. Poetic portrait of Robyn Schulkowsky, who has worked with John Cage, Karlheinz Stockhausen, John Zorn and Christian Wolff. Her percussion improvisations occupy a large part in the film. Rhythm and the non-linear structuring of time play a major part, with the focus also on more abstract notions such as memory, history and life.

Photography : Sébastien
Sound : Aline
Editing : Manon de Boer
Music : Robyn Schulkowsky, George van Dam, Robyn Schulkowsky
Production : Van Abbemuseum, Auguste Orts
, Jan Mot
Distribution : Auguste Orts Production (marie@augusteorts.be, +32 2 245 48 24)