SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Hum of Holland
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Rediffusions The Hum of Holland

The Hum of Holland ( Hoe luidt het land? )
Stella Van Voorst Van Beest
2012 - Pays-Bas - Couleur - 72'

What does the Netherlands really sound like? Stella Van Voorst Van Beest traversed Holland to make a portrait of the country by taking its soundscapes as the starting point. She filmed in silent areas and discovered the landscape is growing ever noisier. The film introduces a variety of sound experts, but also follows a sound artist who makes you listen differently to the sounds of the country.

Image : Sander Snoep
Son : Piotr Van Dijk
Montage : Katarina Türler, Patrick Minks
Production : Volya Films, Buddhist Broadcasting Foundation
(info@volyafilms.com, +31 10 415 5621)