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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 Africa Savoir raison garder

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Mamounata Nikiema
2011 - Burkina Faso/France - Couleur - 52'

One of the essential elements of democratic process is the episodic organisation of free, fair and transparent elections. In Burkina Faso relations between the different political actors are often difficult. This difficulty is heightened by a certain tension when an election approaches. It does not take much to threaten the country's social and political stability or to tarnish the electoral process with doubt and irregularities. The film takes us into the wings of the Independent National Election Commission (CENI), responsible for organising the presidential elections. It reveals the administrative problems encountered in trying to apply the electoral law in particular concerning the issue of voters' cards.

Photography : Sibri Sayouba Sawadogo, Mamounata Nikiema
Sound : Hamidou Ouedraogo
Editing : Jean-Baptiste Benoît
Production : Les Films Essentiels, Vie Des Hauts
Distribution : Vie Des Hauts (vdh.prod@wanadoo.fr, +33 (0)3 81 47 15 47)